
31 January 2017 | Category

XYZ Cultural Technology joins forces with Float4 to bring a colossal immersive installation to life at Dubai’s City Walk

Montreal’s XYZ Cultural Technology, famous for its extraordinary audiovisual integration projects, was tasked with the technical design and programming of ..

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17 November 2016 | Category

Bringing Rocks To Life At The Percé Geopark [Video Making Of]

Tektonik is a multimedia experience that combines geology, history and technology at the Percé Géopark in the province of Québec. ..

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23 June 2016 | Category

XYZ unveils the secrets of Percé Rock in a spellbinding immersive experience

Montreal-based XYZ Cultural Technology introduces Tektonik, an exciting multimedia adventure that combines geology, history and new technology in a fun ..

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